
© Liam Barnes
Rawtenstall canopy installed
Rawtenstall's station canopy was lowered into place on Tuesday afternoon, 29th October. Class 33 109 'Captain Bill' and the 75 tonne crane manouvered the canopy onto its supports.
The former L&Y ironwork was reclaimed from Oldham Mumps station and one part was installed over platform 2 at Bury station, with the remainder now installed at Rawtenstall.
This installation is an early step towards providing much needed covered accommodation for railway passengers and customers of the Buffer Stops Bar.

Remembrance Sunday
To remember those employees of the former East Lancashire Railway who fell or served in armed conflicts the East Lancashire Railway Preservation Society and the East Lancashire Light Railway Company will be laying poppy wreaths at the war memorial located on the overbridge at Bolton Street Station, Bury at 11am on Sunday 10 November 2019.
This year we commemorate 101 years since the signing of the Armistice ending the First World War.
All are welcome

© Rory Lushman
Call for volunteers for Halloween Event
Volunteers are required for the 2019 Halloween Ghost Train event.
The event will run over the 31st October, 1st and 2nd November.
There are a number of roles available. Including:
• Shop
• Meet and Greet
• Train Stewards
• Cleaning & preparing carriages
• General help and assistance
Support is needed between 4pm and 9:30pm.
Please send any available time you are able to offer over the three days through to Sophie Mendoza using this link.

© Rory Lushman
Mayor of Greater Manchester, Andy Burnham visits the ELR
On Thursday 26th September we were delighted to welcome the Mayor of Greater Manchester, Andy Burnham, to the ELR.
This was a great opportunity to tell the Mayor about the importance of the railway culturally, economically and socially, as well as our exciting plans for the future.
The visit was complete with a tour of Baron Street Locomotive Works and the Mayor enjoying a special footplate ride!

© John Tate
The ELRPS Ltd Display Stand is on the move
The team are on the road again with the 12-foot display stand of photographs alongside a 42” TV showing up-to-date films, distributing information leaflets and talking about the Railway and the Society.
Join them on 18-20 October on the over-bridge at Bury station during the ELR Steam Gala, on 20th October at Manchester Victoria Station for the 'Victoria 175' event, on 26/27 October at Hazel Grove, Stockport and on 9/10 November at the Blackburn Show, Darwen. Finally, for 2019, the team will be at the Manchester Model Railway Society show on 6/7 December.
A small but dedicated team mans the stand and are open to other members joining them. Please contact company Secretary John Tate.

© Rory Lushman
Briefing session for Santa Volunteers - 23rd October
A Briefing Session for Santa Volunteers is to be held by Santa Event Organiser, Gerald Atherton, on Wednesday 23rd October, 7.30 – 9.30 pm, in the Elizabethan Suite, Town Hall, Bury.
During this annual event Gerald will discuss the various roles which are available to volunteers, including Santa Train Stewards, Elves, Meet and Greet and Carriage Cleaners. He will explain what each of these roles involves and, for the Santa Train Stewards, will take them through a step by step guide to the events in the order in which they happen on the train.
Personal Safety, Train Safety and Safeguarding will be covered and volunteers will be asked to provide their availability in order that duty rosters may be produced. In addition, the new arrangements for signing-on for duty will be discussed. This year the signing-on point will be in the Activity Centre which is situated adjacent to the Trackside on Platform 2.

© Rory Lushman
4th Annual Open Forum - Wednesday 2nd October
ELR Chairman Mike Kelly and General Manager Tracey Parkinson will be hosting their Annual Open Forum on Wednesday 2nd October at 'The Met' in Bury, from 19:00. You are invited to arrive for 18:30 to allow plenty of time to organise everyone and enjoy a free drink on the ELR.
Mike and Tracey will provide a review of 2019 and an outline of the challenges the ELR have faced. There will be an opportunity for everyone to put forward their questions, suggestions and ideas. Mike Moore, Chairman of the newly formed Volunteer Champions Group will also report on the progress being made by the group.

© Rory Lushman
Rawtenstall Station canopy delivered
The canopy for Rawtenstall Station has been delivered to site on a works train hauled by Class 24, D5054. Acquired in 2010 this original L&Y style cast iron canopy came from Oldham Mumps Station. Parts from the canopy were installed on platform 2 at Bury.
The Society has provided £30,000 funding for this first phase of the station redevelopment at Rawtenstall which will be completed during the winter in readiness for the 2020 season. Planning permission has been granted for four further phases of development at Rawtenstall – a new station building, expanding the Buffer Stops café and providing a new forecourt.

© Rory Lushman
Call for volunteers for Day Out with Thomas Event
Volunteers are required for final Day Out with Thomas Event of 2019 over the weekend of 5/6 October. If you have worked in any of the roles before and would like to do so again, or perhaps try something new, then please do let Sophie Mendozaknow your preference.
The roles are as before:
Meeters & Greeters Booking Hall (Bury)
Ticket Barrier - Trackside Gate (Platform 2 Bury)
Thomas Trains Stewards (Platform 4 Bury)
Barrow Crossing Supervisors (Bury)
Thomas Train Announcer (Baron St – Public Address)
Trucks Scenario Announcer (Ramsbottom - Public Address)
Ticket Barrier – Station Entrance (Ramsbottom)
Ticket Barrier – (Museum)
Education Suite – Imagination Station (Museum)
Temporary Tattoos (Museum)
Please contact Sophie Mendoza and she will reply to confirm your role and start and finish times. Thank you for your continued support!

© Pat Stott Kilner
Tour of Britain Race passing through Ramsbottom
As crowds gathered to witness this unique sporting event, the ELR pulled out all the stops to welcome the riders in the Tour of Britain Race to Ramsbottom. To ensure the railway’s involvement in the race the ELR changed its timetable, decorated the overbridge and positioned Standard Class 4MT 80080 next to the Ramsbottom gates to whistle a greeting.
And so on a warm and sunny afternoon on Saturday 14th September crowds cheered as the peloton, in a riot of colour, hurtled through the town, flashing past the station on the final stage of the Tour on their way to a sprint finish along Deansgate in Manchester.

© Rory Lushman
Richard Guthrie
We are extremely sad to report that Richard Guthrie, from the S&T department, lost his long battle with cancer. He died peacefully at home. He will be sorely missed.
Richard’s funeral service will be held at St Michael's Church, Bury & Rochdale Old Road, Bamford, Rochdale OL10 4BB, at 1.30pm on Thursday 26th Sept. The family have requested Family flowers only. They wish any Donations to go to Springhill Hospice, via Dixons Undertakers, 2 Manchester Road, Rochdale OL11 4HY.
The service will be followed by a family only committal at the crematorium at 3pm.
Everyone attending the service is invited to the Royal Toby, Manchester Road, Castleton, Rochdale OL11 3HF, for food etc. The family should arrive there by 3.30pm.
Can you please advise Peter Duncan if you are intending to go to the Royal Toby so he can advise Richard’s family of likely numbers from the ELR as soon as possible.